Sunny Goldberg recently paid a visit to the beloved Toy Box, a charming toy store located in the heart of Mamaroneck, to engage in a conversation with its new owner, who has brought fresh energy and exciting changes to this local treasure. During her visit, Sunny explored the various new offerings that have been introduced since the ownership transition, including a wider selection of eco-friendly toys, innovative educational games, and unique handcrafted items that celebrate creativity and imagination. The Toy Box, a staple in the community for years, is conveniently situated at 300 W Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY, making it easily accessible for families and children eager to discover the latest trends in toys and games. With a warm and inviting atmosphere, the store not only provides a shopping experience but also fosters a sense of community, where parents and children can come together to explore, play, and learn about the newest products on the market. Sunny's conversation with the new owner sheds light on their vision for the store, which includes hosting special events, workshops, and community gatherings that will further engage the local population and enhance the Toy Box's role as a cherished community hub.
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